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About us

Marketing Automation, Strategy & Growth

About us

Marketing Automation, Strategy & Growth

Azul Automators

My name is Felix Amado, MBA, M.Sc. Digital Marketing, Telecommunications Engineer, I have led technical, commercial, operational, and strategic units over the past 16 years.

I founded Azul Automators after witnessing as a Martech consultant how most companies struggle deciding how and when to adopt technology, and how start ups need someone to make informed marketing decisions, but not full time.

At Azul Automators, we offer SMBs affordable marketing and automation solutions that allow you to focus on delivering your product.

Felix Amado
Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous Context

Our Proposal

Technology evolves in real time, and effective marketing requires expertise. Talent is scarce, and most startups struggle between delivering their product and generating demand.

Our mission is to address the challenges entrepreneurs face in generating and sustaining demand by offering affordable and custom made solutions such as Social Media Management and Email Marketing in hourly packages.

What we do

  • Process and Marketing Automation: leverage technology at no extra cost: whether you need to implement a CRM, or email marketing on a budget, we are your partners.
  • Hourly Marketing Professionals: Access top-tier marketing expertise on demand, scaling your marketing efforts at the same pace as your business.
  • Data and Platform Integration: Bridge the gap between data and decision-making, centralize information and share result visualization across units.
What we do...
Why Azul?

Why Azul?

We operate from Panama with deep understanding of the US, Brazil, Mexico and Latin American markets providing world class experience at the lowest prices. 

We believe in a world where technology is accessible to all, fostering an ecosystem of innovation and progress.

We are your partners in the journey to a more innovative, technologically empowered future.

Ready to embark in your transformation?


We are Agile

We deliver value in the shortest possible time, adapting to our clients' needs.

We Innovate

We are engineers applying technology to create high-return solutions.

We Love Technology

We apply systems, methodologies, and strategy to grow your business.

The latest about Azul

These are the latest entries to our blog about Management, Digital Transformation and Automation.