Marketing Automation Engineering

Free Plain Text Email Sender (Google)

Written by Felix Amado | Jan 31, 2024 12:26:27 AM

App Script is a free powerful tool to automate workflows and be more efficient. The tool I will present allows you to send plain text emails from a Google Sheets document using a custom script triggered by a button.



  1. A Google account to access Google Sheets.
  2. Script to be added to the Google Sheets document.
  3. Familiarity with Google Sheets.
  4. Clone this Google Spreadsheet to your own Google Drive.
  5. Please follow Azul Automators in Instagram and LinkedIn.



  1. The script only supports sending plain text emails. No HTML content, attachments, or rich formatting is supported.
  2. Google has limits on the number of emails that can be sent through scripts. The daily limit depends on your type of Google account. For a regular Gmail account, the limit is 1,500 recipients per day for multi-send.
  3. The script will not work if the Google account has reached its email quota or if the Google Apps Script services are experiencing downtime.
  4. The recipients' email servers may treat emails sent through this method as spam, therefore follow best practices to ensure your emails comply with spam regulations.


Steps to Use the Email Sending Tool:

  1. Access the shared spreadsheet link and select 'File' > 'Make a copy' to clone it to your own Google Drive. Rename the cloned document as needed.

  2. Verify that the script is present and functional in the cloned document:
    • Go to 'Extensions' > 'Apps Script' to open the script editor.
    • If the script is not present, you may need to manually copy and paste it from the original document.
    • Run a test to ensure that the 'Send' button triggers the script as expected.
  3. Ensure that your sheet is named "textOnly" as the script references this specific sheet name, otherwise make sure you update the name of the sheet on the script.

  4. Enter the email addresses, subject lines, and body texts into the appropriate columns:

    • Column A: Email Addresses (must be valid email formats like
    • Column B: Subject Line (this is what recipients will see as the subject of your email)
    • Column C: Body (the plain text content of your email)
  5. Click the "SEND" button, which is connected to the script to trigger the sending process. Tje script can also be manually triggered.

  6. The script will iterate through each row, sending an email to the address in Column A with the subject and body specified in Columns B and C respectively.

  7. If an invalid email address is encountered, the script will display an alert message advising you to add valid emails to Column A.


Before Using the Tool:

  • Double-check that you have permission to email the people you're adding to your list to comply with anti-spam laws.
  • Ensure that the 'Send' button is correctly linked to the script in your original spreadsheet. This will ensure that the button functions correctly after the spreadsheet is cloned.
  • Remember to abide by the daily email limit to avoid being temporarily blocked from sending emails.


Troubleshooting Common Issues:

  • If the cloned spreadsheet's 'Send' button does not work:
    • Check the script editor to ensure the script was copied correctly.
    • Make sure the function name is without any typos, errors or brackets.
    • Reconnect the 'Send' button to the script function by right-clicking the button, selecting 'Assign script,' and entering the function name textOnly.
  • If emails are not being sent, ensure that you have not exceeded your daily quota.
  • If you receive an alert about invalid email addresses, verify that all email addresses in Column A are correctly formatted and contain no extra spaces.


Additional Notes:

  • The script is subject to Google's privacy and data handling policies. 
  • Regularly review the contents of your spreadsheet and remove any data that is no longer needed, especially email addresses, to maintain privacy and security.

Using this tool, you can efficiently send out a batch of emails with a few clicks, directly from your Google Sheets interface.